At this point, you are probably scratching your head, so let me give you a little more info.
What is dramaturgy, you may ask?
Well...the jury's still out on that one, but hopefully through this blog you'll find out a bit more about what it is and how it works, and hey, maybe it'll even pique your interest.
To me, dramaturgy is the passion behind the entire concept of theatre, connecting director, actor, playwright, and audience in asking questions, getting answers (or not), and on the whole, enriching the lives and world views of those who go to the theater, creating a more unified experience. ::cue "Circle of Life" from The Lion King::
As for me? I'm the Daily Dramaturg, your ticket, vehicle, and ride through this mysterious and strange world behind the smoke and mirrors, a world that stretches beyond the boundaries of time, space, and human thought itself, from the spark of an artist's inspiration, to the brain, through the mouth, pen, and keyboard of the dramatist, onto a page, onto a stage.
Why blog about dramaturgy? Why now?
Because I can, and today is my birthday, and I decided that I should start a blog today. What better way to celebrate than think about something that I love?
Well...the jury's still out on that one, but hopefully through this blog you'll find out a bit more about what it is and how it works, and hey, maybe it'll even pique your interest.
To me, dramaturgy is the passion behind the entire concept of theatre, connecting director, actor, playwright, and audience in asking questions, getting answers (or not), and on the whole, enriching the lives and world views of those who go to the theater, creating a more unified experience. ::cue "Circle of Life" from The Lion King::
As for me? I'm the Daily Dramaturg, your ticket, vehicle, and ride through this mysterious and strange world behind the smoke and mirrors, a world that stretches beyond the boundaries of time, space, and human thought itself, from the spark of an artist's inspiration, to the brain, through the mouth, pen, and keyboard of the dramatist, onto a page, onto a stage.
Why blog about dramaturgy? Why now?
Because I can, and today is my birthday, and I decided that I should start a blog today. What better way to celebrate than think about something that I love?
What will you be seeing in this blog?
Writing, obviously. Words. Pictures. Links. Quotes. Videos. Actually...I haven't really decided quite where I'm going to go. I just figured I'd start somewhere, with something. One thing, though - I'm not going to be using this space as my personal venting board or anything of the sort; this is going to be a blog about dramaturgy and theater. I am hoping to discuss and define what exactly dramaturgy is and how it fits into the wider spectrum of theater. As a fervent play reader, I also plan on giving you some insight into what play I'm reading and how I'm seeing it, what questions I have and what answers I can Nancy Drew, as well as creating a "clearing house" of information that helped me understand the particular play better, and links and things that might be of interest to you. Of course - if it isn't of interest to you, then you wouldn't have read until here, would you have?
Well, I'm already getting ahead of myself. But I plan to get off to a rock-n-roll start later this evening by blogging about the play I'm reading today, To Gillian on her 37th Birthday by Michael Brady. I picked it because it has the word "birthday" in it, and today is mine.
I hope that I can update this blog with some degree of regularity and it encourages me to keep reading, writing, and researching - even if nobody reads it, I guess it doesn't matter to me.
Well, Daily Dramaturg, then what does matter?
If I knew the answer to that...well, then there would probably be no reason for the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" to exist. And there most certainly is, given that it is one of Freddie Mercury's greatest contributions to the world and I am in no position to slam Queen.
...And here we are, again, off on another tangent. Such is dramaturgy!
In conclusion to this entry that ended up being much longer than I initially thought, I'll end by saying a great big "happy birthday!" to me, and big hugs to all those out there who are drawn in to the magic of theatre as much as I am. See ya soon.
Until further notice,
the Daily Dramaturg.
Writing, obviously. Words. Pictures. Links. Quotes. Videos. Actually...I haven't really decided quite where I'm going to go. I just figured I'd start somewhere, with something. One thing, though - I'm not going to be using this space as my personal venting board or anything of the sort; this is going to be a blog about dramaturgy and theater. I am hoping to discuss and define what exactly dramaturgy is and how it fits into the wider spectrum of theater. As a fervent play reader, I also plan on giving you some insight into what play I'm reading and how I'm seeing it, what questions I have and what answers I can Nancy Drew, as well as creating a "clearing house" of information that helped me understand the particular play better, and links and things that might be of interest to you. Of course - if it isn't of interest to you, then you wouldn't have read until here, would you have?
Well, I'm already getting ahead of myself. But I plan to get off to a rock-n-roll start later this evening by blogging about the play I'm reading today, To Gillian on her 37th Birthday by Michael Brady. I picked it because it has the word "birthday" in it, and today is mine.
I hope that I can update this blog with some degree of regularity and it encourages me to keep reading, writing, and researching - even if nobody reads it, I guess it doesn't matter to me.
Well, Daily Dramaturg, then what does matter?
If I knew the answer to that...well, then there would probably be no reason for the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" to exist. And there most certainly is, given that it is one of Freddie Mercury's greatest contributions to the world and I am in no position to slam Queen.
...And here we are, again, off on another tangent. Such is dramaturgy!
In conclusion to this entry that ended up being much longer than I initially thought, I'll end by saying a great big "happy birthday!" to me, and big hugs to all those out there who are drawn in to the magic of theatre as much as I am. See ya soon.
Until further notice,
the Daily Dramaturg.
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